Our company produces goods made of brass and stainless steel. We have many years of professional experience. We guarantee involvement and individual approach. Our products are of the highest quality. We produce items made of stainless steel and brass that are perfectly polished. The surface of our products is characterized by appear the mirror-like effect. Our items are free of blemishes, scratches or traces after polishing processing.


Decorative elements (letters, company logos), each size and thickness - stainless steel, brass or chrome.


Various kinds of spatial structures for example: stands, bookstands, mirror frames, shop racks, holders, furniture parts.


Small and non-typical items in stainless steel and brass, for example: handles, brackets, hangers.

All products are made according to the documentation provided by the customer.



63-800 GostyƄ, Daleszyn 16, Wielkopolska

Paulina Kuczkowiak-Karkosz (English: Communicative level)
mobile phone 601 060 269  /  e-mail: biuro@twklogo.com.pl